The establishment of the UAE Resuscitation Council initiative of Zayed Giving and the Emirates Society for Cardiac Resuscitation comes within the framework of supporting the efforts made by the country United Arab Emirates to combat heart disease, and intensify community awareness of this disease, Developing innovative mechanisms and alternatives to provide full community and psychological support to patients in accordance with international standards
Among the goals that I formally set for The Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Association, the official representative of the Council, is to spread awareness of the importance of learning the principles of cardiopulmonary resuscitation among the general community and the medical community in particular, and to hold conferences on the culture of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and to form a nucleus to discuss the foundations and principles of resuscitation Cardiologists locally, regionally and internationally
As Chairman of the Council, I confirm that the Council is always ready to provide all the necessary logistical support to the “Inash” Association and to facilitate its mission in achieving the goals for which it was established. On the other hand, improving medical services provided to citizens and residents